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Tag: Night


Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 64000 kbps

Duration: 0:04 | Size: 30,962 bytes


Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 128000 kbps

Duration: 0:05 | Size: 82,370 bytes


Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 64000 kbps

Duration: 0:06 | Size: 44,754 bytes

Nightingale Wren

Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 128000 kbps

Duration: 0:13 | Size: 210,849 bytes

The Gecko that kisses you goodnight at Tortuguero

Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 64000 kbps

Duration: 0:02 | Size: 17,587 bytes

Night Chorus 3 La Fortuna

Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 128000 kbps

Duration: 0:06 | Size: 103,713 bytes

Night Chorus 1 Monteverde

Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 128000 kbps

Duration: 0:14 | Size: 223,521 bytes

Orangebilled Nightingale Thrush

Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 128000 kbps

Duration: 0:02 | Size: 38,485 bytes

Orangebilled Nightingale Thrush

Format: MP3 | Channels: mono | Bitrate: 128000 kbps

Duration: 0:02 | Size: 38,485 bytes