- Click anywhere on the waveform image to play the sound from that point. Jump to any point within the sound by clicking that part of the sound.
- Hitting the space bar while a sound is being previewed will start and stop the sound. Great for cutting a loud or obnoxious sound short.
- Sound previews are 10 seconds or less. The actual sounds on the site may be a minute, but we render a 10sec or less preview.
- Click on the download icon to download the sound.
- Click on the house icon to visit the site that the sound comes from.
- Click on the graph icon to generate a different image of the sound.
- Click on the loop icon to repeat the sound over and over.
- The length is displayed on the right side of every sound. This is rounded up and will show the actual length after the sound has been previewed.
- Use the advanced search feature to pick and choose what sound criteria you want.
- Submit sounds to SoundJax and we'll include them in our next update.